Hi! Welcome to Rick's Space

I' am

Coding   Enthusiast Full   Stack   Developer Flutter   Developer Graphic   Designer UI/UX   Designer

Enthusiast coder trying various options and working on several projects. Currently pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering(Cyber Security)...


Research works.


Completed Projects


Solved qusetions

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About Me

Myself Rick currently pusuing B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering [Cyber Security]. A coding enthusiast, focusing on development [Web and App]. Also an artist as well Designer working with UI/UX and general posts. Member of esteemed society's like IETE, GDG, Flutter Kolkata...


“Simplicity, carried to the extreme, becomes elegance.”


The set includes works associated with repos with solution of more than 350 questions across various platforms. It also comprises of various graphic design that are made with Figma and Canva. Some Flutter apps like TO-DO list and a game based project id laid out. The portfolio is also attached and other works based of webapges is also attached there.

Link: https://github.com/horerick46


The set includes works associated with research based project on IOT and security in systems. Also blockchain based some works are on the go. Using DLT in IOT security is already in hold of publication. Also ML in security and research based on Steganography techniques is about to complete.


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